Random other stuff I thought was funny.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aiden's First Tooth..............................

Aiden's first tooth came in today.  How did my baby get this big?  Pictures coming soon.................

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nothing really important to say........................

Most day's I walk through this fog.  It's like all I can hope for is that the day will end and I can go to bed.  I haven't decided if I'm depressed, lonely or honestly just need more sleep. 

It's funny to think that I could be lonely since I'm constantly surrounded by craziness. Maybe I am. I don't really have friends like I used to.  You know people I can call to just hang out, go to the movies, get dinner.  I miss that connection.

Maybe I am depressed.  I've had a ton of stuff happen in the last little while and honestly my life is always kind of a roller coaster.  I recently had a baby.  Maybe..... I just can't quite decide.

I've talked to multiple doctors and all I get is...... You have 5 kids and you work full time of course you are tired.  Please that is the biggest load of crappola I've heard.  I'm 29 not 50.  I shouldn't have to drag myself through the day. I don't want to be on a medication but I'm sick of feeling like the gum you've scraped off the bottom of your shoe.

Honestly what I need is a week away to myself.  No husband, No kids, No responsibilities other than how much rum can I consume and how much reading can I do next to a pool or the ocean.  I want it so much I can taste it.  I haven't had a week to myself since before I was married.  That's a long dang time. 

Here's to a taste of freedom.  Maybe someday....................

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things one overhears in the car.........................

So the kids were in the car pretending they were in a spaceship and the other cars were space aliens.  It's a beloved game that passes the time.

John overheard the following: Katie to Ryan, "that was a mighty poo."  Ryan, "I told you to wear the special shoes."

Moment's later.......

Katie, "So do you think you should ask a grown up how to impress the ladies?"  Ryan, " I know how to impress the ladies."

I might just wet my pants laughing.  Ladies beware, Ryan's on the prowl with the goods and knowledge to impress!

What this has to do with spaceships and aliens is forever lost in the lore of childhood.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today we went to the dentist.............................

So the dentist is not where one would expect a lesson on anatomy to take place.  Rachel however believes wherever she is is a good place to tell you what's going on.

Picture it...............  She's sitting in the dentist chair.  Hygienist is up to her elbows in Rachel's mouth.  Rachel, Hmmm, cuts the cheese, passes the gas, the air escaped out of the basement instead of the attic.  You get the gist. 

Rachel not being one to pass on a moment to shame her mother, states LOUDLY, "I farted.  It came out of my bum.  Not my 'gina."  Yup.  That's my kid.  I thought the Hygienist would fall out of her chair laughing.

I am so proud.

Now this picture is not my child, but do you see the Hygienist's face.  Yeah, it sorta looked like that.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The stink eye, pink eye................

All 5 of my children have the stink eye.  I mean Pink eye.  It's disgusting.  It doesn't matter how much you disinfect you know the second one of them brings it into the house they are all going to have it.  Jeez.  So we called the Dr. and you know how they are.  "We can't give you a prescription over the phone.  We need to see the child to verify."  Right.

Mother of 5 over here.  I know what stink eye looks like.  Please, it's not like its hard to diagnose.
The child's eye is glued shut with boogers and it's pink, swollen and generally oozy.  Hi, this does not require someone with a medical degree to diagnose.  Simply someone with an ounce of common sense.

I've finally got prescriptions and the dosing begins.  Here's hoping it only lasts a couple of days and we'll be able to disinfect this house again from top to bottom.
